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OUBC App Regular Giving

Please consider setting up a regular monthly or annual gift to support OUBC operational costs. Our goal is to build our regular giving base to 500+ members by Christmas so please get behind this push.


For current OUBC athletes and coaches we ask that you consider giving £5-£10 per month. For alumni and families please consider giving £10-£100 per month - Any level of regular gift will make a lasting impact.​ Together we can make a massive difference.

Please click on the 'UK & Other Regular Giving' button below for all countries except the USA. Using this link UK & Canadion tax payers will be able to sign up for Gift Aid or a tax receipt. On the Oxford University OUBC giving page please select 'Recurring Gift' and then select the frequency (monthly, quarterly or annually) and the amount. If the amount you wish to give is not shown then please select 'Other'.

UK & Other (non USA) Giving

USA Giving - Americans for Oxford

Please click on the 'USA Regular Giving' button below where you will be directed to the Americans for Oxford OUBC giving page for tax efficient donations. Please enter the amount, select 'Recurring Gift' as the type of gift and select the frequency.

Why give regularly to the OUBC Operational Fund? And what will my gift support?


Donating regularly to the OUBC General Support will build a sustainable revenue that will allow our Head Coaches and leadership team to plan effectively for the highest performance and athlete experience. Operational funds will cover costs such as salaries for world class coaches, nutrition & medical support, travel, fleet management and international trips. A major consideration for the OUBC is being able to effectively manage flooding at Wallingford - having more security within our operational budgets will enable us to plan for warm weather training camps during the winter months, and it will support weekend trips & accommodation to UK rowing venues that don't flood. Cambridge don't have this problem because Ely doesn't flood, so as we see a growing disruption from flooding we need to put our coaches and team in a position to train effectively if we want them to win.


If we can build the regular giving base to support annual operational costs it will free up our major fundraising campaigns and larger one-time gifts to focus on capital projects and the growth of the Topolski Fund.


We need to invest in our fleet and equipment so that we give our athletes a world class training platform and the tools they need to succeed. For the OUBC to deliver as the best and most aspirational student-athlete rowing club in the world we need a fleet to match this.


If we build our regular giving base in support of the operational costs then it will also facilitate re-investment into the endowment, helping us build on the legacy of the Topolski Fund and secure the Club's future.


Finally, there is a huge strength and motivation in unity and collective effort. It feels good to give and to feel part of a wider team effort. If we can build a large and engaged regular giving base it will be inspiring and will motivate higher levels of giving from our larger benefactors.


Thank you.

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